VPK Packaging
25 years

Customer request
Celebrating together with all relations and colleagues that we have been active in Raamsdonksveer for 25 years, showing that our knowledge and experience guarantee the future. That is what the short but powerful briefing of VPK Packaging entailed.

Creative concept
Corrugated cardboard, big rolls of corrugated cardboard. You can create wonderful experiences with that, so there was no doubt that something had to be done with it. We built a theatre in the hall of VPK Packaging. On Thursday, relations were welcomed here and playfully informed about the ins and outs. Saturday was all about internal connection and commitment, with a varied program for colleagues and their families.

Impressive Impact
What for us was seen purely as packaging material became a kind of art. So, the cardboard setting combined with the programs, definitely had a wow effect!
Festive moments