Leen Bakker

Customer request
A new board, a new business direction, and a management team with many newcomers. This called for a kick-off to get everyone moving in the same direction and to give the new energy in the company a positive boost. Fijnevent was asked to facilitate 4 kick-off sessions, each lasting half a day, for a total of 600 (inter)national colleagues in an original way.
Creative conceptÂ
We immediately knew this must be a unique venue. It was a hell of a job to clean up the long-abandoned power plant in Geertruidenberg and turn it into a high-tech event location, but then you have something great. Befitting the industrial atmosphere, each kick-off session for the participants started with building the seating areas, made of cardboard boxes. Let’s do this!
Impressive Impact
Extraordinary, raw, surprising; the ideal setting to re-energise! A unique experience that contributed to a positive internal vibe and thus a successful rebranding of Leen Bakker.
Strategic moments